Work With A Residential Solar Specialist

Work With A Residential Solar Specialist

Get to know a Solar Realtor. I am your solar realtor. I understand solar and real estate. This skill will help clients better understand solar agreements and have the skills to access solar systems, all while helping real estate agents & clients buy and sell houses. 

HOT SOLAR Topics: 


NEM 3.0 - how much is a new electric bill (with and without solar and what about the battery

Survey Question:

 As a realtor do you put the electric bill and utility costs in plain site of your customers?  

Why or why not?

Debate Topic - Who can provide the proof NEM 2.0 do better on savings of electricity than no solar home or even NEM 3.0 homes? Hint - it is in the out of pocket you may be paying. (Future article is in the works)

Please tell me topics or items you want on this website. It is built for you and I want to answer your questions. E-mail me at [email protected]

  • Broaden Your understanding of solar home transactions
  • Increase solar transactions with better understanding.
  • Free Solar real estate training is finally here!
  • Learn from a real estate professional. I have 10 years of solar experience. I can help you learn solar. So if you are stuck - please reach out. Help is here. Try this e mail address: [email protected]

Agents, are you solar-compliant? Can you explain to a buyer what the program is for the home they are purchasing? What is Title 24? Listing a solar house? Get that electric bill, true up the bill, and make sure the solar system is producing. Prove there is value in a system, making it a true asset. Keep exploring this site to learn more.

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